Sunday, November 26, 2006

Holiday Nuggets

This week's blog challenge:

  • What are 5 nuggets of wisdom that have been imparted to you by people you've cherished? How do those nuggets show up in your daily life... or do they? Have the words of wisdom shaped you? Which nuggets have you passed on to people who cherish you?

1. Are we on the bus to Abiliene? Now, of course, unless I've already shared this pearl with you, you are probably thinking what in the world did she put in her coffee this morning? Well, let me explain. Have you ever caught yourself thinking of some crazy, half baked idea, and it just sort of snowballs. The plan was never a good idea in the first place. You find yourself sort of caught in the wave of excitement. Here at the House of Chang, we call that getting on the bus to Abiliene! Nobody really wanted to go in the first place, but no one paused long enough to be the voice of reason.

  • I hope this Holiday season I am able to stay off the bus. I want to be able to stay focused on the reason for celebrating this magical time of year without getting caught up in the hoopla of it all. Because if I don't, I'll be headed straight to Abiliene and not very pleased when I get there (or when the Visa bill shows up in January!)

2. Fake it til you make it. About 18 years ago, I attended a conference where the then general of the Army Nurse Corps was the speaker. I don't recall the exact context in which she used this phrase but she used it to illustrate the importance of moving forward, even when you think you can't. Eventually, you'll have conquered whatever challenge or obstacle was in your way, even if initially you are just going through the motions, or faking it. Needless to say, it really struck me that a GENERAL said it was OK to fake it? That alone makes it a pearl worthy of holding on to.

  • For the sake of the Things, I shall fake it until I make it. And although I wasn't in the mood to decorate the house on Friday, Thing Two was. And, I just couldn't squelch his enthusiasm and desire to help because I was feeling all bah humbug. So, I faked it. And now that most of the decorations are up, I must admit, I too am feeling my heart start to fill with the spirit of Christmas.

3. Some of the Best Things in Life Aren't Things

  • I'm going to stop here. I know, the challenge was to list 5. But like so often, I'm modifying it. Plus, this one is the perfect stopping point don't ya think? Because here in the House of Chang, these are the best things...


Anonymous said...

Awwwww, thing 1 is KILLING me here!! How cute is that?

Much love,

Martha said...

And, he was really truly sound asleep! He does that most years and I will so very sad when he finally decides he's too old to take a nap under the Christmas tree!

Colleen O said...

Following the girls lead, I've been laying on the couch every chance I get watching "the Christmas" myself! (Darling picture!)

oh, and I can't poke fun at your behind the timesness - I'm currently on a Buffy binge, yes, that would be Buffy the vampire slayer. Funny stuff, (I think I'm about a decade behind). And I've heard of but never actually seen House, - big Black Adder fan though, so I'm sure I'd love it.

tz said...

Fake it til you make it was one of my dad's favorites!
the things are as adorable as ever! you couldn't have 'posed' a better shot!